Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is SO fucked up, I says!!

Cops: Boy robbed stricken Pittsburgh Pirates usher

PITTSBURGH – Police have arrested a 17-year-old boy accused of robbing an usher who worked at the baseball stadium where the Pittsburgh Pirates play after he stopped his car while having a heart attack on his way home from an extra-inning game.
Police aren't identifying the suspect because of his age. They said Tuesday he approached the car and pulled out 58-year-old driver Michael Schacht, who had been slumped over and in distress. They say he stole the man's wallet and drove off in his car, leaving him on the ground.
Police were puzzled by the man's death because he had only a superficial head injury when he was found April 10 a mile from PNC Park.
The suspect doesn't qualify to be charged as an adult. He's being taken to a juvenile detention facility.

Camel Toe, I says!!!

Nice tits, I says!

Show 'em off, I says!

Braciole of the Day, May 4, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011